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  • 2025 FOOD PACK

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Worship - Belong - serve - SEND

We acknowledge & honor the finished work of Jesus on the cross in our WORSHIP.

We desire that every person who comes would find a place to BELONG.

We SERVE Christ with our best energy & effort.

We celebrate opportunities to SEND people out on Mission with Jesus.

Worship with us

Join us on Sunday as we gather for fellowship, singing and teaching. We have two distinct styles of worship-- Our 9:00am service features a more traditional style, while our 10:30am is more contemporary.  Children's ministry for birth through sixth grade is offered during the 10:30am service.  


In our ongoing journey through the entire biblical text, we are now at Ezra and Nehemiah, which were originally written as one, single book. The backdrop for these accounts is the period known as the exile of God’s people after the monarchy failed and the divided kingdom of Israel was overthrown by the Babylonians and Assyrians.

God is still working during the exile, and this study gives us an identity check as those who are living in a world that is not our ultimate home. We also see leaders that God uses during this season. Their efforts are far from perfect, and yet God used them to leave a legacy in the story of God’s people. Zerubbabel directed the people back to their home and rebuilt the temple of God. Ezra taught the people the law of God, and Nehemiah rebuilt the city wall.

This series will challenge us on many levels as well as point us to the need for New Covenant heart change that had not yet come to the people of God in the time of the exile.

Bible Reading Plan Bookmark (PDF)

find a place to belong

We want everyone who calls this church "home" to experience a sense of true belonging.  Take the first step by exploring groups

We also have aged-based ministries from preschool through high school, a campus ministry at Penn State, and groups for 20-to-30 somethings and seniors.

Find your place to belong.

View Open Community Groups

Impact the world

Utilize your passions, talents, and spiritual gifts to bless others through serving or connecting with one of the Hope Initiatives.

We believe that experiencing the fullness of God leads to the fulfillment of God's purposes in our lives and in the world around us.  As followers of Christ, we are called to follow Him and serve others.

Find your place to Serve

Stay up-to-date with everything happening at State College Alliance Church.  If you have a specific question or comment, you can ask that here as well.

We send out weekly emails with encouragement and information about our upcoming events.

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