New to SCAC?
Let us answer some of your questions

What do your Sunday services currently look like?   We are currently gathering Sundays at 9:00am & 10:30am both in person and online. Online services can be viewed at and feature live interaction with others through chat, live prayer requests, and more.  In-person gatherings are being held in our Sanctuary, with overflow seating available in the lobby.  For more info, visit our Worship page.  

What options do I have for my kids?  In-person Kids Ministry is offered weekly during our Sunday 10:30am service and features age-appropriate teaching, games, and conversation for kids ages 2 through 6th grade, plus a staffed nursery for kids from birth through 24 months. We also have weekly content available for families joining from home on our Alliance Kids @ Home page.  On Sunday evenings during the school year (6:00-7:30pm), we host an AWANA Club for preschoolers through 6th grade.  Visit our Alliance Kids page for all the latest on each of these programs.

What do you do about money? We accept online and in-person financial donations and talk about money because Jesus talked about money and the Bible teaches that our hearts and our finances are interrelated. And we consider financial giving to the work of the church as an act of worship, as one of the ways we are invited to partner with God in the amazing work He is doing all around us. But we often say (and genuinely mean it) that we have absolutely no expectation that guests would contribute financially when they worship with us. It is our hope that the worship service would be our gift to you, that you would have an opportunity to encounter God. See the Giving page for more details.

How do you practice Communion? We typically participate in Communion (known as the Lord's Supper or the Eucharist in other faith traditions) on the first Sunday of each month. We invite anyone who has entered the family of God through a relationship with Jesus to participate in Communion with us, no matter their denominational background. Gluten-free elements are available.

What if I have a prayer need? We have opportunities for folks with prayer needs to receive prayer before our worship services, after our worship services, and throughout the week by our staff team and the prayer chain. See the Prayer page for more details.

What if I have another need?  We believe that God has placed State College Alliance Church here to help meet the needs of our community. Visit the Care page for more information about how you can request help or join our care team.

What do I do if I want to get email updates from the church?  We send weekly updates with information about upcoming events, opportunities to connect, and other church information.  If you are interested in receiving these updates but are currently not, either contact the church office (see the Contact page for info) or click on the "Join our Email List" button below.

What if I have other questions? You are welcome to contact the Church Office by phone between 10:00am-2:00pm during the week or by email anytime.  Or you may connect with one of our pastors after a Sunday morning service.  See our Contact page for full information about how to get in touch with us.