Kenya 2024 Updates

Thank you for your faithful support of the Kenya Summer Mission Team who partnered with the Children & Youth Empowerment Center and AWANA Kenya to lead a sports camp for local children in the town of Nyeri, Kenya.  A recap video and their daily updates are posted below!  Please continue to pray for the impact they had and that the gospel seeds they planted would bear fruit!

Children & Youth

Empowerment Center (CYEC)

Our team of 8 from State College Alliance Church will be working alongside staff and volunteers  of the CYEC.  This organization also hosts an AWANA program run by Wilson Waigwa, whom we have been supporting and connecting with for several years. 

Please pray for:

  • the staff and volunteers  at CYEC and at the AWANA program hosted there
  • long term gospel engagement in Nyeri through the AWANA program
  • unrest in Kenya over new tax legislation to dissipate prior to the SCAC team's arrival

Preparing to Go

Over the past few months the team has been meeting regularly to formalize plans and gather materials.

Today (Sunday) they loaded up in the van to make the drive to Newark, NJ to board a plan around 9pm.

Please continue to pray for:

  • Safe travels and good health for all 8 team members.
  • The ability to build meaningful relationships with the people we meet.
  • God’s guidance and provision for the sports camp (Camp dates: August 5-9).
  • Spiritual unity and growth among our team members.
  • Continued impact and spiritual fruit--that the children who attend the sports camp will make connections within the AWANA program there, will come to know Jesus as their Savior, or deepen their faith if they are already believers.

Tuesday, July 30

Jambo Prayer Warriors,

What an exciting day! Today marks the beginning of a journey that has been in the works for years. A dream that was given to me by the Lord 7 years ago! The Lord is faithful! I am feeling so blessed!

Our flight to Nairobi was long but good. They blessed us with lots of food on the plane and the flights and transitions went smoothly. One of our team members got sick during sports camp and had a rough travel day, please pray for her as she recovers.

Also Praise the Lord we are all in Kenya. After a long complication in our flights we had to separate our team a bit and Jude had to stay in Ethiopia overnight. But God is good all the time and proved, so today Jude was able to rest and recover and arrived safely in Nairobi 12 hours after us.

This morning I had the great blessing of being able to visit some of my friends from college who are also doing missions work here in Kenya. I feel so grateful that I was able to spend time with them.

We also have arrived in Nyeri where we will be hosting our sports camp! It has been many hours of travel on plane, van and car to get here but we have made it and I can’t be more excited. All the glory to our Lord Jesus!

Thank you,

For the Kingdom

Anna Raquel

Wednesday, July 31

We’re all grateful to be settled at the CYEC.  We’re now trying to balance our activities with taking time to rest and reflect. Our day started early--ready by six AM to walk the primary children to school. This simple yet impactful task allowed us to interact with the children and chat about their daily lives and educational experiences. They were bursting with excitement that today was their last day before winter break (temps are hovering in the low 60s here right now), and looking forward to sports camp next week.

Following our morning walk, we had breakfast and downtime as a team before visiting the Poly-Tech School. Sjoerd has been involved with the CYEC for 15 years; in 2019 the CYEC founded the Poly-Tech school. This school provides educational opportunities in areas such as plumbing, dressmaking, agriscience, and computer tech. The visit was an insightful opportunity to explore the educational resources and facilities available to youth at the CYEC.

In the afternoon, our focus shifted to planning the details for the upcoming sports camp. We worked on coordinating logistics--ensuring all necessary resources and equipment would be in place. We’re excited to meet with Wilson on Saturday.

Please continue to pray for our team--unity and focus as we prepare for next week’s sports camp and safe travels for tomorrow’s safari and equator visits, and for the CYEC children--that God will prepare hearts for the truths we’ll be presenting next week.

We’re so grateful for your prayers & God’s provision!


Thursday & Friday, August 1-2

Thursday morning we started out early to drive to Ol Pejeta Conservancy. We spent the day observing amazing wildlife on 50000 acres of beautiful Kenyan grasslands. We were blessed to spend time watching impalas, elephants, rhinos, warthogs, lions, and even a giraffe.

Friday morning was our first morning to get some extra rest and get fully adjusted to Kenya time. Thank you for praying for our  team’s health, strength and energy level. We have had good progress in all 3 areas. We started our return to Nyeri in the morning and stopped a few times along the way to bank, shop and eat. We are very thankful for our driver, Marcus who has been a great guide and advisor.

We arrived back at the CYEC center and received another warm welcome from the children. We spent several hours playing with the children until it was too dark. We also continued to prepare for camp. Registration is at 167 children and growing! Please continue to pray for our planning, cooperation and unity with the Kenya leaders and volunteers.

We serve an unlimited God!

Tom Stauffer

Sunday, August 4

Jambo Jambo!

Praise God for a great day! The Lord is good! This morning we attended church in Nyeri and it was amazing! We went to the English service and the message was so good. The worship was so life giving and sounded so beautiful. Jill commented that it made her think of how we will sound in heaven with all tongues and tribes singing together. I felt that was a great way to describe it.

When we left the service we had tea with the pastor and passed the kids church. When we passed, I heard our sports camp songs playing! The kids were already learning them and were so excited! This filled my heart with so much joy. It reminded me why we have been working so hard.

After church we returned home in our FAVORITE mode of transportation which is the matatu. About 12-15 people fit into a small van, it is tight and can lead to interesting experiences.

This afternoon we had the training. Lots of people came and joined together to make this camp possible. I am so grateful.

After the training, the kids had a huge dance party- we all had a great time and a lot of good laughs. The kids taught me a lot of dance moves and I can’t wait to bring them back with me.

Prayer for camp! We are at the home stretch. 8 hours till I start setting up the stage for opening rally!
Pray for the Bible teaching please! That it won’t be our words, but that the Holy Spirit would take over and speak through us.
Pray for the huddle coaches as they get to know the kids!

Asante Sana!
Anna Raquel

Tuesday, August 6

Today a dream Wilson Waigwa and I had years ago became a reality. Wilson coordinates the AWANA club at the Children and Youth Empowerment Centre in Nyeri and helped us in 2017 with the organization and execution of our State College Alliance Sport Camp. At the time the Lord planted a seed in our hearts to organize a similar camp in Nyeri. Seven years later God answered our prayers.

Our State College Alliance Team of eight works together with about sixty Kenyan volunteers from the CYEC and different churches in central Kenya to reach more than 160 children from the CYEC and surrounding community. Our US team started at 7am with breakfast, and at 8am we were on the grounds with the Kenyans getting everything set up for the day. We had a devotional meeting with all the rally leaders, coaches, runners and teachers before the children came for registration. After registration, the sports camp started with the opening rally by the Rally Team with the same theme as that of the 2024 State College Alliance Sport Camp: “Start the Party!" After the opening rally, the children went to their first sports session followed by a tea break, halftime rally, second sports session, lunch, afternoon rally, third sports session and closing rally. We had a wonderful sunny day filled with fun and excitement. The children learned soccer, frisbee, and volleyball skills. 

Today Anna Raquel and Ms. Lilian from Deliverance Church taught the lesson about how Jesus changed Matthew’s life who then held a party to celebrate Jesus with all his friends. This was then further discussed in the huddle groups.

We are told this the first time that a camp that uses sports to reach children for Christ is held in this area. Being the first day there are a few things to improve upon but we praise the Lord for what he has done so far. Please continue to pray for us and all the Kenyans working with us. Pray that the Lord will open the hearts of the children for Him. Thank you so much for your support.

“When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed.”  Psalm 126:1

Sjoerd Duiker

Thursday, August 8

Today, in partnership with our Kenyan brothers and sisters, we concluded Nyeri Sports Camp 2024. Spirits were high and hearts were full as we watched the last busload of children and volunteers pull away from the CYEC.

After three beautifully sunny days of camp, today dawned cool and drizzly. As kids are kids all around the world, the weather did nothing to damper the campers’ levels of excitement. The sports sessions ran smoothly, and some age groups had the chance to put their new skills into practice by playing actual games. It was encouraging to witness their growth. Anna Raquel and Pastor Lillian taught from Matthew 4:14-16 and we reviewed the lesson through various games and activities in our small group huddles.

The day ended with a party, praise, singing, and cake! Huddle coaches gathered campers‘ contact info for Wilson so he can follow up over the coming months. The Kenyan team is already making plans and prayerfully creating their vision for Nyeri Sports Camp 2025.

Wilson has clearly built relationships within the communities as we saw many churches represented. We appreciate that when he put out the call for volunteers, it was answered by so many. One of the highlights of each day was the afternoon debrief--- when all of the volunteers came together to celebrate the ups and troubleshoot any issues of the day. There was great communication, problem solving, and a lot of laughter. This final day was bittersweet--- goodbyes are hard, we’re all tired, but full of such joy and praise to a faithful God who continues to further His kingdom around the world.

Please continue to pray for Wilson & his team as they follow up and for the many seeds that were planted this week. We prayed much that they would fall on fertile soil. ♥️

Amy Folk

Friday, August 9

'For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”'  Luke 7:8

The Lord was called to the house of a Roman Centurion who loved the Jewish nation and even built a synagogue for the local congregation. This man had a servant that he cared much about who was very sick and the Lord was asked to heal the servant. Nobody could heal the man, but because of his incomparably great power, the Lord could do it. And in this the Centurion taught us about spiritual authority. He himself was endowed with the power that the Roman Emperor gave him. With that authority the Centurion only had to speak a word to a soldier under him and the man would do it. He didn't have to leave his house to get a matter resolved because he could just tell a soldier to take care of it. This man realized that the Lord had power given to Him by his Father that was great enough to heal a person. So he only had to speak a word and it would be done. The Lord was amazed about the faith of the Centurion and consented to his request: The servant was healed without the Lord going to him - the only thing needed was for the Lord to agree with the Centurion, grant his request, and say the word and it was done. The apostle Paul prayed for the Ephesian Christians that their eyes would be opened  so that they might know the incredibly great power to those who believe (Eph. 1:19). But this is deferred authority. We first have to know the Lord's will and get his consent. Once we know what his will is, we pray with confidence, knowing that the Lord will do it.

This past week we experienced some of this in Nyeri Sports Camp. It started even prior, seven years ago when Wilson Waigwa came to the USA to help us with sports camp in State College. Ever since then we had this sense that the Lord wanted to bring this camp to the CYEC in Thunguma. After much prayer and getting input from many believers, the Lord confirmed that indeed this was His will. Then the Lord provided in a thousand ways to make this happen: He worked in the hearts of the leadership of the CYEC, especially Paul Maina, Issa Adam and Benard Oduor to rally behind the idea and make the Centre available. He worked in the hearts of our Pastor Aaron and elders at State College Alliance Church to give their consent. Then the Lord put it on the hearts of seven people in our church to join this mission, and the entire congregation got behind us and supported us with the resources we needed and by praying for us. Bill Jester, our AWANA and Sports Camp Director, agreed to have a special collection at Alliance Sport Camp to fund Nyeri Sport Camp - and all the needed money came in. At the same time the Lord worked in Nyeri, especially in Pastor Lilian and Pastor Jeremiah and the leaders from Deliverance Church who came alongside and helped Wilson with the organization of the camp and recruiting volunteers. AWANA Kenya was also instrumental in spreading the word and bringing volunteers from many different churches in central Kenya. The Lord paved the way by not allowing the school term to be pushed into our Sport Camp week after the flooding caused so much disruption of the school year in Kenya, and didn't allow the demonstrations and riots to interfere. Finally, He gave us wonderful weather and everything came together this week.

We experienced great blessings and mighty workings of the Lord in the lives of the children and the volunteers. Truly if we submit to His will we experience the Lord's mighty power acting through us. Praise the Lord.

Sjoerd Duiker